Friday, September 08, 2006, 9/08/2006 09:33:00 AM

HP Spying on Leakers -- "Crime was Committed"

Following up on yesterday's story about Hewlett-Packard spying on possible leakers on its Board, the New York Times reports that the monitoring effort included spying on journalists, including one from the Times itself, reporter John Markoff.

California's Attorney General, Bill Lockyer, is reported as stating that "a crime was committed," but that it's "unclear how strong the case is." Search warrants are on the way.

Meanwhile, the lawyer for the Board member who was tagged as the leaker, George Keyworth, is quoted as saying that this matter will "reach much higher to persons responsible at H.P."

Our betting is that other shoes will drop. From the start, this was the kind of big story that newspapers love to compete on. Now that it looks like they too were targeted, expect an even bigger feeding frenzy.

We'll keep you posted.
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