Hollywood, Esq. Says Talent Agency Defections Sparks Trade Secrets Claims
By Todd

We've never read Hollywood, Esq. before today but it bills itself as "the intersection of entertainment and law." Eriq Gardner has a new piece regarding a recent talent agency defections that have resulted in claims of trade secret misappropriation and unfair competition.
He writes: "A Hollywood talent agency is brawling with three of its former agents who left for a competitor, but not before allegedly stealing confidential information to poach clients.
Diverse Talent Group, run by Chris Nassif, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday against agents Isam Durzi, Ehab Durzi and Wendy Morrison, as well as the Function Talent Group, the rival agency that is said to be the new home of the three defendants.
Diverse Talent Group, run by Chris Nassif, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday against agents Isam Durzi, Ehab Durzi and Wendy Morrison, as well as the Function Talent Group, the rival agency that is said to be the new home of the three defendants.
The talent agency says on its website that it represents talent on television shows such as Big Bang Theory, Mad Men and Lost, as well as feature films such as Transformers and X-Men.
The firm's client base was allegedly put at risk when the three defendants, still working for Diverse, obtained confidential materials, such as customer lists and the personal and financial information of clients. The three supposedly used this info to poach clients for the Function Talent Group."
We'll keep an eye on this one for you. Here's looking at you, kid.
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